
Back-to-School Basics

Back-to-School Basics

On 11 Aug 2022, in parenting

Back-to-school time can be hectic for both parents and kids. Here are some tips to help ensure this school year gets off to a great start!

  • Walk or ride the route your child will take to school and make note of school patrols, crossing guards and high traffic areas along the way. Talk to your kids about NOT talking to strangers and find out what, if any, policies your child’s school has regarding early arrivals or late pick-ups. Learn about the school’s entrance and exit policies.
  • Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher and ask him or her about the preferred method of communication.
  • Make homework time a daily habit. Limit screen time until homework is complete. Find a quiet and consistent place at home where your child can complete his or her homework.
  • Prepare a study area. Set up a special place at home to do school work and homework. Remove distractions. Make it clear that education is a top priority in your family: show interest and praise your child’s work.
  • Get everyone to bed on time. During the summer, children aren’t always on a schedule, but proper rest is essential for a healthy and productive school year. Help your kids get back on track sleep-wise by having them go to bed earlier and wake up earlier at least a week in advance of the first day of school.
  • Make healthy meals. Let’s face it – no one can concentrate when they’re hungry. Studies show that children who eat healthy, balanced breakfasts and lunches do better in school. Fix nutritious meals at home, and, if you need extra help, find out if your family qualifies for any child nutrition programs, like the National School Lunch Program.
  • Get a check-up. It’s a good idea to take your child in for a physical and an eye exam before school starts. Most schools require up-to-date immunizations, and you may be asked to provide paperwork showing that your child has all the necessary shots and vaccines.
  • Make a plan to read with your child for 20 minutes every day. Your example reinforces the importance of literacy, and reading lets you and your child explore new worlds of fun and adventure together.
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