
Simple Steps to Pool Safety

Simple Steps to Pool Safety

On 9 Jun 2016, in safety

A few simple safety steps can save lives in and around pools and spas.

Ensure a safe and fun experience by following these tips:


  • Never leave a child unattended in a pool or spa and always watch your child when he or she is in or near water.
  • Teach children basic water safety tips.
  • Keep children away from pool drains, pipes and other openings to avoid entrapments.
  • Have a telephone close by when you or your family is using a pool or spa.
  • If a child is missing, look for him or her in the pool or spa first.
  • Share safety instructions with family, friends and neighbors.
  • Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim.
  • Learn to perform CPR on children and adults, and update those skills regularly.
  • Understand the basics of life-saving so that you can assist in a pool emergency.
  • Install a four-foot or taller fence around the pool and spa and use self-closing and self-latching gates; ask your neighbors to do the same at their pools.
  • Install and use a lockable safety cover on your spa.
  • If your house serves as a fourth side of a fence around a pool, install door alarms and always use them. For additional protection, install window guards on windows facing pools or spas.
  • Install pool and gate alarms to alert you when children go near the water.
  • Ensure any pool and spa you use has compliant drain covers, and ask your pool service provider if you do not know.
  • Maintain pool and spa covers in good working order.
  • Consider using a surface wave or underwater alarm.
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