
What Is Eating "Clean"?

What Is Eating "Clean"?

On 3 Oct 2017, in Wellness, health

Many of us want to make healthy eating changes but aren’t exactly sure how. One simple way is to begin eating “clean.”

Besides being healthier, many foods that are “clean” and “whole” are also less likely to pack on the pounds, even if you are eating larger portions. Processed foods cause fat to be stored in the body even when they do not have high-fat content.

What is a “clean” diet?

A clean diet consists of whole foods, defined as foods that are not processed or overly refined. Processed foods are easy to spot; they are usually boxed, canned or heavily packaged. They have a long list of ingredients, some unpronounceable and likely chemically processed, and have high amounts of sugars and/or sodium. They are not healthy for our bodies or the environment.

How do you eat “clean”?

  1. Cut down on alcohol. Avoid excessive drinking and have only one drink per day for women, two for men.
  2. Cut down on sugar. Skip processed foods and grab fruit for a sugar fix.
  3. Cut down on salt. Avoid processed foods, eat out less and cook at home with natural foods.
  4. Cut down on saturated fat. Use plant foods like nuts, avocados and olive oil.
  5. Cut down on refined grains such as white flour and white rice. Check the ingredient list and make sure the word “whole” describes the grains in the product.
  6. Cut down on processed foods. This includes chips, crackers, prepared foods, food in boxes.
  7. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Make veggies the main part of the meal and add protein and starch as sides.
  8. Drink more water. This helps circulate oxygen and flush out toxins.
  9. Drink green tea. It boosts immunity and fights cavities.
  10. Eat more whole grains. Try eating one new-to-you grain, such as quinoa or wild rice, each week.
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