
Back to School 2020

On 2 Sep 2020, in family issues, change

As you and your family are navigating the stress and excitement of virtual learning, blended schedules, or returning to the classroom, please keep in mind that BJC EAP is here to support you. We can offer individual counseling, family or couples counseling, tools for healthy coping strategies, time management, communication or organization skills. We can help you locate resources in the community or brainstorm solutions from a different perspective.

Helpful tips:

  1. Be honest with your children, but also try to maintain a positive attitude even in the midst of the uncertainty.
  2. Teach and model the behaviors that you desire for your children — especially when it comes to safety like wearing a mask, hand washing, and social distancing.
  3. Establish routines for your family to help get on a regular schedule for bed and wake up times.
  4. Be alert for changes in behavior and mood. Everyone is stressed right now, so teaching healthy expression is important.
  5. Remember that even if your child’s school is virtual now there are still resources available. Reach out to your school or district to see how the school is offering access to school counselors and social workers, extra tutoring, or even support groups for students or parents.
  6. Schedule some family fun times for recreation together and something to look forward to. It can be as simple as a board game night, watching a movie together or taking a walk.

BJC EAP is currently offering virtual and telephone appointments 8am-10pm M-F and 8am-4pm on Saturdays. To learn more about our services, visit or call to schedule an appointment at 314-747-7490.

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