
BJC HealthCare to Support Local Anti-Smoking Effort

BJC HealthCare to Support Local Anti-Smoking Effort

On 6 Apr 2015, in Wellness, health, change

Did you know?

  • Smoking is the most preventable cause of disease, disability and death in Missouri.
  • Nearly 10,000 Missourians die every year from tobacco-related illnesses, including lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  • More than 1,100 additional Missouri deaths are caused by exposure to secondhand smoke every year.

In April, BJC HealthCare and more than two dozen local groups will come together to encourage St. Louisans to “Show Me You Can Quit.”


The campaign centers around a week designated for smoking cessation. On April 10, Mayor Slay will issue an official proclamation declaring April 13-17 “Smoking Cessation Awareness Week” in St. Louis.


The campaign involves a joint partnership between health centers, non-profit and for-profit corporations, community agencies, local government and other partners to raise awareness around smoking cessation resources including:

  • Smoking cessation provider and patient education
  • Health care provider referral/smoking cessation intervention
  • Missouri Quit Line
  • Website resources and a smoking cessation app

According to the U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines on tobacco, a smoker’s chance of successfully quitting is doubled if they engage their doctor or health care professional in the process. That’s why BJC is encouraging smokers to consult with their providers as they quit – and if you don’t have a provider, to visit to find a qualified BJC physician who can help.


If you smoke:

  • Talk to your doctor or health care provider today to get help quitting.
  • Call the Missouri Tobacco Quitline at 800-QUIT-NOW to access FREE smoking cessation resources.
  • Visit to find a physician who can help.
  • Use #StLouisQuits to share your quit story on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and to find more information about cessation week events.



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