
Frontline Supervisor: Presenteeism

Q. What is presenteeism and why has it become such a popular term in the workplace?

Frontline Supervisor: Stress and the Workplace

Q. I am in favor of employees using BJC EAP to help them manage stress, and I encourage them to do so, especially during these stressful times. What can I say to increase their motivation to consider the program?

Study Proves High Return on EAP Investment

A study conducted by the Morneau Shepell research group found that every $1 invested in an employee assistance program (EAP) translates into a return on investment of $8.70 through a combination of improved productivity at work and less time away from work.

Frontline Supervisor: Becoming a Better Manager

Q. What makes a good manager of employees? What common traits do the best managers possess?

How to Address Employee Concerns About Ebola

Ebola is a serious disease, and it has created fear for many. But it is important to stay informed and to maintain perspective. Here are tips for alleviating workplace concerns.

What You Should Know About EAPs

BJC EAP's 2013 client surveys reveal a 98 percent satisfaction rate with the clinical services provided. Learn more about BJC EAP, including misconceptions about EAP services, from an experienced employee assistance professional.

Frontline Supervisor: Taking Disciplinary Action

Q. I was thinking of taking disciplinary action in response to my employee's conduct problems at work. She entered treatment for alcoholism, so I held off. Unfortunately, she quit treatment and went home. Should I quickly prepare the disciplinary action? If I don't, I think problems will continue.

Frontline Supervisor: Alcohol and Your Employees

Q. When my employee returns from lunch, where he usually has an alcoholic drink, he is much more outwardly friendly and pleasant. He does not appear drunk. This is not a violation of our drug and alcohol policy. He is often late in the morning for work, but never has alcohol on his breath. What should I do?

Vicarious Trauma: High Risk for Helpers

It has long been acknowledged that empathetic interpersonal skills are an asset in the medical field and helping roles in general. These same skills, however, increase the risk of experiencing personal symptoms of trauma exposure and chronic stress. Vicarious trauma occurs when an individual who was not an immediate witness to the trauma absorbs and integrates disturbing aspects of the traumatic experience into his or her own functioning.

Frontline Supervisor: Tips on Effective Documentation

Q. I have many employees whose performance I must document, but my write-ups are frequently delayed by days and I lose important details. Are there things I can do to improve my recall?