
Frontline Supervisor: Engaging Employees

Q. Engaging employees is important, but I think the missing piece is making sure they know what they are doing, how they will be measured and how they fit into the grand scheme of things. In other words, clarity and purpose. Am I right?

Frontline Supervisor: Skills for New Supervisors

Q.  I am a new manager and in my first job as a supervisor. What problems might I encounter early that I can prepare for now? If I feel overwhelmed, can BJC EAP help me?

Frontline Supervisor: Dealing with Referral Issues

Q. I was about to make a supervisor referral of my employee to BJC EAP, but before I could, he went to the program as a self-referral. This is great, but I don’t have a release signed, as I would if this was a formal referral. Should I ask him to sign one now?

Frontline Supervisor: Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Q. I have an employee who looks like a meth user, not unlike those before-and-after photos you can see online. I have no proof that she uses meth, but are these physical signs I can use to encourage BJC EAP self-referral?

Frontline Supervisor: Morale and Motivation

Q. What are the best ways to help employees feel appreciated and motivated if there is no extra money to improve pay? Unfortunately, I need every employee to pull their weight, even if we don’t have one extra dime.

Frontline Supervisor: Diversity in the Workplace

Q. How should supervisors view or understand diversity in the workplace and use it as a resource to support the organization’s mission?

Frontline Supervisor: Communication in the Workplace

Q. What’s the most significant problem in the workplace that inhibits productivity, causes conflicts between workers and managers and creates the most risk for employees and the organization?

Frontline Supervisor: Becoming a Better Manager

Q. I know that leadership has little to do with what I know or say, but instead with what I do. Can you give an example of one critical mistake that’s common in leadership failure and how BJC EAP can help leaders be successful?

Frontline Supervisor: Alcohol and the Workplace

Q. My employee was unable to stick with a treatment program for alcoholism. Unfortunately, the employee’s job was lost due to the relapse. Why do some employees recover while others do not? I can’t help but think the relapse was somehow partly my fault.

Frontline Supervisor: Bullying in the Workplace

Q. Why is it important for supervisors to understand bullying, what it looks like and how it impacts the workplace?