Q. I was thinking of taking disciplinary action in response to my employee's conduct problems at work. She entered treatment for alcoholism, so I held off. Unfortunately, she quit treatment and went home. Should I quickly prepare the disciplinary action? If I don't, I think problems will continue.
Q. When my employee returns from lunch, where he usually has an alcoholic drink, he is much more outwardly friendly and pleasant. He does not appear drunk. This is not a violation of our drug and alcohol policy. He is often late in the morning for work, but never has alcohol on his breath. What should I do?
Q. I have many employees whose performance I must document, but my write-ups are frequently delayed by days and I lose important details. Are there things I can do to improve my recall?
Q. When employees with performance issues mention their personal problems, I feel obligated to participate in these discussions. It may sound cold, but I want to rid myself of this feeling and, like other supervisors, focus only on work issues.
Q. I have many employees and I must ensure that they stay motivated. I know employees have to motivate themselves and that I can't do it for them. So what is my role in the process? How do I play an influential part in motivating employees.
Q. My boss said that I need to be a more supportive supervisor. He couldn't give examples except to say "your team has to feel you support them." What can I do?
Q. My employee is frequently late to work. I've not made a referral to BJC EAP because the problem is plain and obvious. The employee is a single parent trying to get three small children off to school in the morning. I feel like a heel writing the employee up, but should I?
Q. Is there more stress now than 25 or 30 years ago? I don't think employees cope with stress as well as past generations did. Is this true?
Q. Can you provide some tips that will help me be more positive and effective in evaluating my employees' performance this year? What are some trouble spots that supervisors must be careful to avoid?
Q. I disciplined an employee with a three-day suspension and immediately had several employees confront me. They insisted on knowing all the particulars, but I said it was inappropriate to discuss it. They were very angry at me. Did I do the right thing?