
Emotional Connectedness

All humans want to be close to others. We need relationships that provide closeness and support. We want to give and receive love. An emotional connection occurs between two people when there is an exchange of feelings and a bond is formed.

In the Midst of Change

The constant barrage of negativity in the news, political turmoil, community unrest, violence and trauma of the past year have left their mark in many ways, some positive and many negative, with outcomes yet unknown. 

What to Do When You Suspect a Loved One Has Mental Illness

Mental illness. Why are so many people are afraid of these words? Does it mean that life is over? Does it mean no recovery? Does it mean a bleak future? Does it mean the end to independence?

Enabling: Can Someone Help Too Much?

Enabling takes place when a person puts others’ needs ahead of their own. The term “enabling” originated in Alcoholics Anonymous and can happen with gamblers, food, sex and internet addicts. Many times, people who enable grew up in families where their needs were not met. 


Group Therapy: Helping to Break the Stigma

Self-help groups have been known to provide emotional, social and practical support to individuals. In a self-help meeting, you might find that you can begin to restore your self-esteem, sense of dignity and understanding of a problem through the group’s dynamics.

The Stigma of Mental Illness: Separating Fact from Fiction

We all play a role in creating a mentally healthy community that supports prevention, treatment and recovery. One of the best ways to help is learning to distinguish between the facts about mental illness – and the fiction.

Positive Psychology: The Study of Happiness

While research suggests that happiness is influenced by genetics, people can learn to be happier by developing optimism, gratitude and altruism. There is a form of psychology that focuses on helping people live happier lives. It is called “positive psychology.”

Study Proves High Return on EAP Investment

A study conducted by the Morneau Shepell research group found that every $1 invested in an employee assistance program (EAP) translates into a return on investment of $8.70 through a combination of improved productivity at work and less time away from work.

The Importance of Developing a Support System

Part of life is experiencing ups and downs. We need people who understand us and can be depended upon during tough times. Research has shown that having a support system has many positive benefits, such as higher levels of well-being, better coping skills and a longer and healthier life. Learn more about developing your own support system.

Vicarious Trauma: High Risk for Helpers

It has long been acknowledged that empathetic interpersonal skills are an asset in the medical field and helping roles in general. These same skills, however, increase the risk of experiencing personal symptoms of trauma exposure and chronic stress. Vicarious trauma occurs when an individual who was not an immediate witness to the trauma absorbs and integrates disturbing aspects of the traumatic experience into his or her own functioning.