
Workplace Survivor Syndrome

We’ve all felt the impact of layoffs in one form or another, but people who have been spared the direct hit often find that being lucky never felt so bad. “Miserable” is how most downsizing survivors describe it – grinding through massive daily workloads while waiting anxiously for the other shoe to drop and wondering why it was the other guy, and not themselves, who ended up out of work. 

Adult ADD: Symptoms & Solutions

Do your friends complain that you aren’t paying attention when they talk? Do you feel disorganized, find yourself procrastinating, losing things or missing appointments? Do you enthusiastically start projects, only to lose interest and abandon the project a short time later? Do you have a quick temper? Do you make rash decisions? Do you have a child who has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? If this sounds like you, you may be one of the 4% of adults who have adult ADD.

Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue

Compassion fatigue is a condition characterized by a gradual lessening of compassion. It is common among individuals who work directly with trauma victims -- such as nurses, psychologists and first responders. It was first diagnosed in nurses in the 1950s. Research suggests that sufferers can exhibit several symptoms including hopelessness, constant stress and anxiety, sleeplessness or nightmares and a general negative attitude.

Living With an Addicted Loved One: Going from Surviving to Living

Living with a loved one who has an addiction is a stressful and often painful experience. The effects of addiction on family members are long lasting and can be devastating. If you are living in a family where addiction is a problem, here are practical steps you can take to help yourself and encourage the addicted person to seek help.

Getting Control of Impulse Control Disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 10.5 percent of the U.S. population has an impulse control disorder. Impulse control disorders occur when we can’t resist the urge to do something. When people with this disorder have these urges, they can’t stop their behavior, even if there are negative consequences. There are many psychiatric disorders that have these features, including substance abuse, gambling, compulsive shopping, mood disorders, internet addiction and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

How to Deal With the Grief of Job Loss

Grief related to job loss can be devastating. While it can be similar in many ways to death-related grief, job loss grief has some serious symptoms all its own. Here are some of the symptoms of job loss grief.

Transformation 101: From Resolution to Reality

Most people make New Year's resolutions to fix something so they’ll feel better during the coming year than they did during the previous year. Seems simple, right? Not really. While three quarters of New Year's resolutions fail, it’s helpful to look at the reasons why one quarter succeed.

Grinch Busting: Manage Your Holiday Stress

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with the holiday season. We love spending time with family, reconnecting with old friends, eating holiday treats and the expression on the face of our loved ones when we give them the perfect gift. What we hate about the holiday season is long lines, crowded parking lots, time pressures, family conflict and feeling overwhelmed. Here’s how to avoid becoming a Grinch.

Keeping a Positive Attitude at Work

In 2011, when the Cardinals were several games behind first, everyone thought it was over but them. But they kept their positive attitude and went on to win the World Series. There are many benefits (aside from winning the World Series) to having a positive attitude at work. 

The Difference Between Male and Female Depression

Depression in men often goes undiagnosed because the symptoms are different than the classic symptoms we associate with depression. Because the symptoms of male depression are not well-known, family members, physicians and mental health professionals often fail to recognize it. Complicating the issue is the fact that many men are reluctant to acknowledge issues and can be resistant to treatment. However, male depression can have devastating consequences.