We as a society are aware of the need to be preventive with many aspects of our health. We know that we should be going to the primary care physician minimally once a year for a check-up. We go to the dentist every six months to prevent tooth decay. But when it comes to our mental health, we tend to reject the idea of professional help as only necessary for “really bad” problems.
Everybody knows THAT PERSON. That person who always seems happy and peaceful. That person who never seems stressed or down. That person who always greets us with a smile and sincerely seems pleased to see us. Did you ever wonder how that person does it? Don’t they ever get angry, depressed or fed up? Where does all that joy come from? The secret is gratitude.
It is what it is. This is a commonly accepted phrase nowadays, but it has a deeper meaning than what it may imply. "It is what it is" is not to say that you agree with "what it is," or that "what it is" does not have an impact on your life. It simply means you have accepted what it is and moved past it.
Tai chi is a centuries-old mind and body practice. It involves certain postures and gentle movements with mental focus, breathing, and relaxation. Several clinical trials have evaluated the effects of tai chi in people with various health conditions.
Did you make a resolution for 2017? How are you doing with it now that spring has arrived? Are you off to a good start? Are you keeping up with it? Does your goal need a review?
The average individual spends up to a third of their life at work. Finding the right job is one of the most important things a person can do in life. What, then, about the stressors on the job? Deadlines, the achievement of an organization’s goal and “fitting in” the working environment are things we all must deal with in order to succeed on the job.
The stress of witnessing a traumatic event can take an emotional and physical toll. Whether you were directly involved in the event or exposed to it after the fact, it’s important to know more about traumatic stress and how it can impact you.
All humans want to be close to others. We need relationships that provide closeness and support. We want to give and receive love. An emotional connection occurs between two people when there is an exchange of feelings and a bond is formed.
The constant barrage of negativity in the news, political turmoil, community unrest, violence and trauma of the past year have left their mark in many ways, some positive and many negative, with outcomes yet unknown.
The birds and the bees, drinking, drug use, campus safety – these are all important issues to discuss with college students. But how many people have a frank discussion with their college student about mental illness and how to stay mentally healthy? The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 75% of mental health issues begin by young adult age.