
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms & Solutions

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops after a terrifying event that involves physical harm or threat of physical harm. This can be from direct exposure, witnessing a traumatic event or from someone close to you experiencing a traumatic event. PTSD is classified by mental health professionals as an anxiety disorder. Those at risk include veterans, victims of crime, kidnap victims and survivors of car accidents, bombings or natural disasters. PTSD affects 7.7 million American adults.

Frontline Supervisor: Dealing with Employees’ Personal Problems

Q. In supervisor training, we are strongly warned not to ask employees personal questions or discuss employees’ personal problems. I find this a difficult task because it makes me appear cold. Can you discuss this a little more?

Exercising on a Budget

Saving money is always a priority when financial times get tough. But eating sensibly, exercising and being healthy can go hand-in-hand with being frugal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults achieve a minimum of 150 minutes of combined aerobic activity, stretching and strength training each week. 

How to Talk With Kids About Alcohol and Drugs

The issue of drugs can be very confusing to young children. If drugs are so dangerous, then why is the family medicine cabinet full of them? And why do TV, movies, music and advertising often make drug and alcohol use look so cool?

Put Your Marriage First -- and Make It Last

Marriage counseling? For us? Many couples find themselves struggling with the thought of marriage counseling when things in their lives are not going as well as they thought they would.

Frontline Supervisor: Substance Abuse and the Workplace

Q. One of our reputable employees was hospitalized and later shared his story of addiction to heroin. I was floored. The employee never showed any symptoms and didn’t look anything like a street person. There was an absenteeism problem, but I never dreamed it was drugs. Is this rare?

Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is essential for good health, safety and optimum performance. So why are Americans getting less sleep than we need?

The Healing Power of Humor

When you’re dealing with a change in your life, try laughing for a change. Even though smiling may be the furthest thing from your mind, it may surprise you to learn that a good joke can do far more than just “tickle your funny bone.” In fact, studies have shown that humor and laughter can improve your physical and mental health and coping abilities.

Frontline Supervisor: Employee Morale & Motivation

Q. My employee does not like her job, but she is good at it. I don’t have another position for her, and she doesn’t want to quit. Her morale is not very good. Sometimes her attitude is poor. Is there a way to help her feel more joy in her position?

The Truth About Weight Loss Plans

While losing weight is theoretically simple -- burn off more calories than you consume -- the emotional battle and need for a quick fix often sets us up for failure. Dieters sometimes turn to fad diets to jump-start their weight loss program. While some can achieve moderate results, the weight loss is most often temporary. Fad dieters will usually gain back the weight they lost and sometimes even more in a very short period of time. 
